Monday, May 3, 2010

47th email: May 3rd, 2010

haha.. Dad you're hilarious...where'd you find that phrase?  "I'm a strong American person.  Choose a few beets and make some borche!"  haha...crazy face. I've only got a couple minutes today.  We just stopped by to print off emails real fast...i've got a stupid flu/fever something or other.  No worries...i'm on the downward slope.  Thanks so much for the packages!  I got Heidi's and Andrea's too :) Thhaannkkyyoouu!!!!!!!  but ok...mother's day call.  I don't know if I can call you on Saturday...we just have a couple lessons and an activity at the branch that night (that Alyona's mom is coming too!!! seriously a miracle)  I'll see what I can work out.  maybe we'll try and move up our lessons a bit meaning I'll call around 8 or 9 your time ... how much is the time difference?  8 or 9 hours?  basically, lets just plan on doing a test call on Thursday night around 8 my time, so noonish i guess your time...lizzie will you be home?  dang...probably well try to be around if you can somehow and I'll call...if you're not there, I'll try friday morning around 7:30 my time... and then we'll talk about what will be best.  sorry thats all for today...i'm fine and happy and working to you soon :)
love cectpa rella

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