Thursday, November 18, 2010

76th email: November 15th, 2010 LAST EMAIL!!

It's really warm right 18...apparantly it's 24 in Krimea.  It might get colder though... I'm not sure... I wear a hat and a vest everyday and thats plenty for me.  If you can, be in Zap before 3 pm.  Theres a goodbye party at 4 for me and Ostler.  You can get money out of the bankomats just fine.  just make sure the banks know you'll be in ukraine.  I have my debit card...thanks so much.  I'll try using it later on today... hopefully you can activate it. 
I don't know if i can do i'm not done here.  I just feel like i need more time...just like 2 more months so i can get these people safe into the fold of Heavenly Father.  I understand it's not really dependent upon me.  but i'm just not done.  I'm very excited to see you, don't get me wrong.  I won't be a weird downer or anything...but i just... I'd do anything to stay and serve.  I've already asked a million times about extending, but the First Presidency rarely allows it apparently.  ugh.  i'm sorry.  we'lll see you on Saturday!  please be safe and you have my number if you need anything or if anyone gives you trouble.  please don't forget to call me when you get here.  Bring the address of the mission home/office just in case.  I love you mom.  Thanks for everything you've done to support me!

love cectpa Jones  

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