Monday, April 19, 2010

44th Email: April 12th, 2010

hey mmmmmon!
My release date is November 23rd... i think that's like a monday or tuesday...tuesday probably.  How long are you planning on coming for?  If we could some how fit in 2 Sundays, that'd be the best.  Another elder's parents came I think the Saturday before his release date, so you could do that...and then we'll also go to Kiev to the temple :)  there are rumors that the older missionaries will get to go...but it's just that...rumors.  Haha...the mission is so funny.  It's like one big mystery/drama soap just so happens that all the actors are called of God, not Steven Speilberg.  The more and more I speak Russian, the more and more hilarious things become...i love it. 
The people in Zap are different from Sevastopolians just in that they're more intense.  Zap's a high paced, crazy city and Sevastopol is more chill and small.  The people are really nice in Sevastopol and it's easy to contact and tract.  We rarely contact or tract here...i miss it to be honest.  Half the fun of missionary work is waltzing up to someone you don't know with a beam on your face and just talking!  But yeah...intense busy people...but there are some gems of people here....I have met some of the most faithful, dilligent people here in Zaporozhe that exist in the universe.  A diamond in the...iamond in the...iamond in the ruff...haha...lame joke...i bet nobody gets it :)
The branch is way different (we don't have wards in our mission...only wards are in Kiev) It's bigger, more organized, more members.  I was blown away my first sacrament meeting!  I was used to 8 or 9 people at church, and I walked into a chapel full!  well like 30... sweet.  So the best way to find investigators is through the members and other investigators.  Those are the ones that stick with us the longest...cause they have a different reference to trust other than the kid missionaries.  We have a few through english and finding work, but those are slower movers.  Usually, their intentions are to learn english, hang out with Americans, or get help from the church.  I really believe that a testimony can stem from that (canned food Mormons!  wasn't Conference amazing?!), but it's just slower.
What else did you ask...the temple affecting missionary work...mos def.  The fact that we can say that the first of the Lord's temples in Eastern Europe is being built in THIS country...people like helps them realize that this religion is legit.  I think we'll really see a difference was the temple is dedicated in working order.  That means that God has taken up a residence here....we see, but also expect, big changes.
Biggest challenge that investigators face is quitting smoking, tithing, and acting upon and recognizing the promptings of the spirit.  It's hard to make such a big change, like tithing, if you haven't yet seen the enormous blessing that baby.  I know that if someone bases a decision off of FAITH instead of REASON... they will 16 times out of 17 stick with and live by that i made up that statistic...  but truth is truth :)
What else?  Nothing really...still working hard to find the people that are ready for this.  They're out there...somewhere...
Thanks for everything.  After Conference and all the talks about stregthening families, I realized how blessed I am.  I know I'm not just lucky to be born in a strong family.  It's because our relatives, and you guys, have sacrificed and worked alot, with everything rooted in faith, to build up a successful family.  It's constant effort, but it's all worth it.  It's the only thing of worth really.  I know that a foundation in the principles of THIS gospel and the teachings of the LIVING Christ brings families hope...and provides a protection against the "mighty whirlwinds" of satan.  Scriptures (in many forms! yeah conference!) are our guide.  A Father is at the lead receiving revelation.  A Mother is the power keeping the family together.  Prayer is our connection to Heaven and obedience to the commandments qualifies us for that help.  OF COURSE the Lord's church is centered in families.  sweet.  live it.
So thanks for everything.  Good to hear that life is in order back home!  I love you all a lot and miss you...don't freak out that I said  I miss you's normal.  haha...until next week!!!!!!
love cectpa rella chile
p.s. Happy birthday Mary!!!  zipadee yay and heidi ho! 
psp.  yeah that springville sister has been here for 3 transfers already...who knows if i'll serve with her?  It's be crazy to serve with an amercian... I don't know if president would put two americans together...we've got another one comeing in at the end of the month though...
ds. Tell johnny cakes to write his sister another letter!

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