Wednesday, June 16, 2010

50th email: May 24th

Heya mama cakes -
sooooo...another week of goods.  good week.  draining week.  but really fun.  We've had thunderstorm after thunderstorm and we seem to always get caught in them!  I love it!  Of course I don't have an umbrella, so that makes things all the wetter...and better...cute i rhymed.  I still love my companion.  She's a dream to work withh!  I don't know what that letter from president was all about really...who knows if I'm training and right now I'm senior companion...haha...funny President...but he knows a thousand times more than us...we just work and see who gets sent our way!  Alyona is fabulous...she went to an activity for the youth in Dnepr this weekend and loved it.  She's so great.  This work would probabaly be ten times more frustrating if we didn't have Alyona.  We're just waiting for the go from her dad.  She wants to be baptized...and will be...but just...ugh...yeah...with time it'll all work out.  We have a new really humble really sweet investigator named Sveta.  Seriously, the begginning stages of her teaching is like textbook perfect...she's accepting commitments, fullfilling them, coming to activities, getting to know members, meeting with members...we are really hoping that things continue to progress with her.  I baked for the first time in Zap yesterday.  Well it was just the cake mix that Andrea sent me and Cectpa Kochet helped :) But I didn't burn it and it is a rainbow-chip miracle!  I met a lady this morning that told me that she gets nauseous when she looks at the missionaries...i knew that people felt the spirit differently, but nausea...that's a first...haha...weeeelll i already have to go...we have an activity with the YW...we're baking snickerdoodles at the Webb' domestic!  I'll take notes... i love you all alot!  Let me know if I can help with anything.............Happy birthday Roy?  weird!  that means I"VE been gone a year...what?! 
Love Cectpa Jones
ps.  PS!  hehe.. cover yous

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