Hello there.
Tough week. Satan keeps putting people our way to mess me up. I feel like our companionship is such a target...an American and sweet little Cectpa Antanyouk. I have never had so many people question my testimony or my validity as a missionary. I have never been the one to get mad at people on the street or to bash with people, but man...some people. They just don't know what they're talking about and are so closed minded and when they try to disprove the Book of Mormon by a wrongly-interpreted verse from the Bible, and top it off with, "moya sonlichka!" It means my sunshine...meaning that I'm naive...I lose it. Now don't write back now with what Christ said in 3rd nephi about arguing and contention being of the devil...i'm full aware...it's my weakness and I'm trying to get over it. I'm just kinda in shock at how it's been like every other person on the street. A group of guys and girls that I invited to english went off about how girls shouldn't be preaching the gospel..."it's a man's job! Remember Eve?" literally what they said. You can imagine how well that went over. The girls they were with just sat there and let their own friends degrade and disrespect them. ...wish I could say I bore my testimony, smiled and walked away like President Nielsen tells us to do. I'm used to having someone back me up with doctrine and testimony... I'm trying to teach Cectpa Antanyouk to bear simple truths as added support. I remember what Dad said that I would never see such spiritual highs and such spiritual lows than on the mission. Stupid satan. He's really messing me up right now. I wish my witness so as bright as the prophets in the scriptures and that it was just obvious to people the difference that we have. That'd be nice. But I have a solid testimony that we are blessed after hard, dilligent, tireless work. I think the Lord accepts the fact that I stand up for his truths and his Prophets. It's funny...a little while ago I was worried about being numb to missionary work. Now that's impossible. I'm forced to be sharp and ready and prepared daily as I walk out that door, whether I like it or not because of all these little angels that Satan is putting in my way. Ugh. no worries.
Sorry this letter is so weird. haha...it sounds like I'm about to punch someone or something...don't worry...I'm not that hard core...all is well fer rizzle, just a little bump in the road that the Lord saw fit for me. Life is good. I'm learning to cook...kinda...haha...my companion doesn't like to cook :) When I say I'm learning to cook, I guess that really means that I'm buying more cereal...good thing that's my favorite food! Mom, will you send me some vitamins? haha... actually, sister nielsen told us we need to take them. This can be the last thing you send me, honest...and not a huge box like you usaully do... I already don't know what to do with all these hilarious toys :) Keep on keepin on fam-damly of mine. I love you guys and your support and letters mean the world to me. I couldn't do this without you! Give Roy a huge kiss and bring my cardboard cut out on your fieldtrips :) Be safe and send me pictures of summer stuff! Love you all so much and I miss you guys...
Love Cectpa Rell
Ps. Mom I talked to Sister Nielsen, and they said that you guys can come...she's probably just busy and hasn't gotten back to you...no worries there... when it gets closer, we'll figure everything out
psps...MOM HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 79...wow time flies...How'd you manage having Johnny at 62?
psps... and Nat happy barfday...don't forget to tag suicide rock... :)
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