Monday, August 16, 2010

63rd email: August 16th, 2010

A Kozak is like the olden time guys that lived in ukraine villages
Alyona is 16 almost 17...and she is getting baptised October 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh i could poop my pantaloons.  We talked about how we have examples of people in our life that make us want to be better... but these people also went through the neccessary steps to get where they baptism.  If we want to become like those people we look up to, we've got to do what they did...and do.  The Elders and Sisters and Members she looks up to were baptised.  Christ was baptised.  It clicked for her and she's following these examples.  Man...we've worked so long with her... i'm so happy.

Bulgaria is part of the Bulgaria country one mission

And they speak...bulgarian.  imagine that?

Arina is Alyona's little 8 year old sister who is soo funny and we're teaching her too and she loves me :)
Sveta's 25.  She's an absolute miracle.  I look at her life just a year ago...even just 3 months ago...and then I look at her now.  Christ's Gospel changes lives.  straight up.  I love her.  She spoke on Sunday about how her mission hasn't ended and about how she'll always do everything she can to help out the missionaries.  She has tasted that fire of missionary work :0) I was playing the piano after sacrament (President want's church to be more reverent in the interim periods) and I was all worried about one of our investigators that came for the first time and was just sitting by herself after the closing prayer.  I was about to just quit playing, but then i look up and sveta has her arms arounds her, just chatting away.  I couldv'e kissed her...she really gets it.

Sister Hulk Hoggan is so cool.  Like way cooler than me...i know, right?  haha.. I like her a style of sista''... She's already pushing me which is intrigueing :)  You guys basically know everything about her because of numerous stalking incidents, and she knows everything about me....even that I can't cook... haha.  It's kinda weird serving with an american and speaking english all the time...i get all mixed up...but i like it.  She went to school in Hawaii for 2 years, and is going back after the mission...she is almost a resident there... she's super sarcastic and funny and got a scholarship for being tall...yeah some foundation gave her 1500 for being tall...and it was a national level competition.  haha...i laughed so hard... good times are ahead. :0)

things are great...we had an amazing zone conference on tuesday...president pretty much said I'm staying in zap till the end which is glorious... the work here is taking off...i love being on a mission!  I'm praying for you alll and love you all...stay strong and thanks for your support and help.  
love Cectpa Rella chil'

ps.  haha...sister webb gave me her supply of kraft mac and cheese...funny huh? 
psps.. last night, we prayed with one of our investigators on top of an ancient kozak thinking rock.  haha.  Inspiring.  
psps.. Zap is full of greenies!  Our whole district is training right now.  
ps.  I have a real live companero! oh and i know her brother which is funny.  I was looking at her pictures and I was like..."Nick Hoggan?!" haha.. we were in Hawaii together and he gave me a pineapple on top of a mountain.  haha
psps.. mom. haha.. your hard core..  i think you're addicted to extreme activities. ;)

love me again

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